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Sunday, December 25, 2011

just piCZs

[[[[[[just picZ]]]]]]

..and it all started with gingerBreaD houSeSsSssssSZZZZZZ::

rylee is getting tired..~.~..but nothing sugar can't fiX!

....soaking up home alone 2....

"okay, im ready for christmas now."

Next morning we boogied over to our little cozy apartment in Vasastan, StockholM:  this little street is hidden in the busy city.  In NY terms, Vasastan is known as the "uPPer east" of Stockholm.  From EriKSPlat you walk down a little corridor 3 flights to find this quaint neighbourhood filled with trendy young people walking dogs- everywhere, second hand bookstores and DELICIOUS pizza!!  Our apartment was rad and this girl knew Wut-was-uPP:: the place was filled with candles, incense, buddhas and even yoga DVDs under the TV :D thiS is what it looked like:

(old skool elevatoR)



So the first daY in stockholm one of Dust's friends- FiggY- showed us around!  

.....here is deCember 22nd::

starting with some old school snaPS..<>

the delicious pizzA plAce*

(gamla stan)
...this little pocket bar underneath gamla stan, like a batman cave!

...at the globe about to watCh a "derby"~ a match between the 2 elite hockey team$ in $tockholm..the fan$ are not fan$ ( ;) ) of one another $o the crowd$ were pretty inten$e

..this lounge in Sodermalm that overlooks all of stockholM~~greAt view&drinks

the night capped with this club below in Normmalm.... long stoRY short, got bumped around like a jellybean in a field of 6ft plus people (swede girls included) in a room the size of my washrOOm~left sWeating&not too pleased~but stiLL happy for the experience.... :S

 .........the 23rd 
we chilled out in Sodermalm and just walked around the neighbourhood.  We found this funky little cafe near Nytorget square then, checked out the museum of photography.

{the museum of photography}

[AlbertA made the cut in one of the exhibits....]
the CRAZY cuRLs are bacK in Action..(julie, this day was epic)

 but the big question... what does everyone do on vacation....???
of course.....BOWLING!!

then back to the apartment for more drinks and another night out before XmaS strikeS Stockholm

tyler was equally as fascinated with the old school "slideshow" in the apt.

december 24th---Christmas eve!!
Stockholm turns into a ghost town during xmas eve and day so the street were pretty bare.. all three of us [dust, tyler & me] still managed to find i think the only restaurant open for a dinner!

although i am a vegetarian i had to take a pic of this ironic situation~ the boys eating reindeer on xmas eve....what would santa say??


donald duck show they play on xmas eve...swediSH tradition

last but not least
it was quiet but nice :) headed back to OrebrO eaRLY. opened some stockings, made pizzas, chatted with fam & hit up a movie. PoifeCT!

GOD JUL}} so Much LUvvv from waY north!! xx.peace.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics kirst... It looks amazing cant wait to get my butt out there and we can do some real traveling!!!!!
    xoxox kristy
