Every time my hands land down onto my yoga mat I am grounded. The weight of the world lifts off my shoulders. Then I feel the weight of the world beneath me support me and hold me. What would happen if we all took a moment out of our day to simply stand in downward dog? I don't think that it is an unreasonable request. Im not asking you to take hours out of your day to contort your body and twist you legs overhead. Simply to take one moment in your day to plant your hands, root your feet onto this blessed earth that we gracefully walk on. What would happen? Maybe each and every one of us would walk with a little more grace our breath a little more deep. Perhaps we would smile constantly effortlessly. Maybe we would think less and do more. Perhaps we would take our yoga off the mat and make a mark in this world.
A beautiful friend recently said to me "once I can walk upside down in this world what more is there to life??" She was incredibly genuine and the simplicity of her words eloquently rang true to my heart. At that moment i thought "Im going to walk upside down in this life and see the world in a light no one else has ever seen." One day we will all walk upside down in this world, we will smile, think less and do yoga.
You are beautiful.