*Hey eveRyoNe* thanX for checking out mY bLog:maKe suRe to Leave a comment with anY requests or what~not:enJoY!

Friday, December 21, 2012


History have mercy on me;
let me slip into a state of grace.

As if a recital, 
          my remedy incessantly leaks error.
          I have let neglect get the best of me.

Feed my meditation.

Let will stoke in the pit of my pelvis;
invoke a contagious tenacity that gives way to inspiration.

The very bones of my being tremor with thirst,
for I am glowing indigo.

Now this clairvoyance you speak of I taste.

Through my undoing I have elevated my essence and redressed my pensive soul;
breath supports my fortitude to reclaim a reposed abyss that germinates at the base of my back.

Let the pierce of your arrow strike my achilles
watch my dance rouse as I hypnotize history into a state of grace.


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