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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Jakubov- - -

[goat in the "mini-farm"]

Today me & Dust went outside of KV for the day to celebrate.... what I could decipher was either:

A) The Velvet Revolution
B) Independent Czechslovak State Day

A VERY brief summary:: The Velvet Revolution was on November 17th and commemorated the beginning of a democratic state in 1989 and the end of the communist regime... to follow, the Velvet Divorce marked the independence of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993....

What I was told about the tradition that we celebrated today was that it marked a "revolution." So I am assuming it is one of the above, maybe both? maybe neither?? Im really not too sure, but regardless it was a good time to get everyone together + relax...
[Jakubov town]
This tradition essentially involves the entire community getting together and parading through the town with lit lanterns... halloween is just starting to catch on out here, so only some of the kids were dressed up.... In Jakubov...the town we were in... this meant about 30 people walking the entire circumference of the town in about 10 minutes... Even though the entire population was almost smaller than my immediate family, 
it was an incredibly breathtaking experience. 
Families were together with their little kids racing around, some being pushed in strollers. There were couples holding hands, some singles wandering about.. & everyone was togeher, parading at dusk 
holding beautifully lit lanterns. 
Being here it is the simplicity that humbles me. 
Even though I can not understand the language and communication can be "faulty" I felt included and part of something... a tradition, a home, even a family.

 [Adellke & her lantern]
[Some of the kidlets & their lanterns]
To follow the parade we went back to Na Statku restaurant. This stone building put on a play for the all the little kids. It is SO old school and I absolutely adored it! The stage has little glam- no special lighting or surround sound speakers- 
but just two actors and an audience.
 Costumes consist of toques turned into masks, ties as bandanas, table cloths as dresses. The set includes puppets and an barely there velvet red curtain. 
All the kids sit on wooden chairs while the parents stand at the back and watch while comforting their babies- and trust me, its like baby fever out here- they are everywhere!
[the "theatre"]
Once the kids were all settled, we went in to eat traditional Czech food- they even created me a "traditional Czech vegetarian dish" which consisted of dumplings and a pumpkin sauce drizzle!  The cool thing about this restaurant is that they grow all their own vegetables and fruits and use them in their dishes! So everything is fresh and made straight from momma's kitchen! Even though I am not a meat-eater, they have their own mini-farm with chickens, pigs and goats that you can go outside and feed and pet. These animals are taken care of well and later on used for the dishes... although as I type this I feel it is inhumane, I know that this is a VERY ethical and healthy way for you carnivores ;) So I can support it!
[Dust & the "mini-farm"]
[me feeding the eager goats!]
[Dust & Fero & Nella & goats..]
To cap off the day/evening we had a Czech dessert- which are like a Tim Horton timbits but better! ...little dough balls sprinkled with icing sugar and gingerbread then with caramel on the side...
....use your imagination..unreal.
It was such a beautiful day and we were surrounded by such sweet people! 
 And bonus- this little jigger.... 

Nella, was there and I got 6 solid hours of her!

Now I am all 
packed up 
and ready 
Blog soon!
[my love. both berlin+my man]


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