If you could be a hero, would you?
Hero- a person who is admired for courage or noble qualities
Resolution- a formal expression of opinion or intention.
Heroic Resolution-a hero who markedly expresses an opinion who is admired for courage and noble qualities.
Starting 2012 you could be a hero- courageously expressing universal freedom. Our rights, human or animal, are equal- we all have a soul, we all have our rights. These rights connect living beings to one another. We are ALL entitled to freedom so where does one start with universality?
Since 2006 I have been a vegetarian. Only recently have a I transitioned into 'vegan-hood.' I stopped eating meat at the beginning solely because I did not really like the taste, the texture- I just did not like it. With this said, my transition into vegetarianism was rather smooth. Not only till the past couple years have I chose to become slowly more aware to all the issues that surround vegetarianism- including ethics, politics and rights in general. I admit the first time I watched Earthlings- i mustered through the first 20 minutes and then had to turn it off. I had just witnessed only the smallest, most minute awareness to animal cruelty and noticed how the saying “ignorance is bliss” does not go unnoticed. The big question that got my mind stirring is how does one justify “ignorant inhumanity?”
It was at this point when I realized that although for the past 6 years although i had managed to cut out consumption of meat- I had unintentionally avoided the bigger issue- rights & humanity.
With a new year on my side, I am taking each day step by step to spread awareness about equal rights and universal freedom to all living beings. Just like you, this is a learning process for me so at no point in time think that I know all- because I don't. I probably know what would be equivalent to the needle in the hay- but at least its something. Please think about taking this journey with me or simply just taking interest towards equality.
".lets start a revolution for this evolution."
Here are some great resources to start. PETA is a wealth of information and has some great links & the documentaries are eye opening:
www.petakids.com (web page)
www.peta.org (web page)
Animal Equality (web page)
Take Part (web page)
Earthlings (movie)
Food Inc. (movie)
The Cove (movie)
Animal Liberation by Peter Singer (book)
Animal Equality (web page)
Take Part (web page)
Earthlings (movie)
Food Inc. (movie)
The Cove (movie)
Animal Liberation by Peter Singer (book)
great post! just started a vegan diet, but had to back off to just vegetarian because it was a huge shock to my body that my stomach didn't handle so well...