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Sunday, November 13, 2011

::the RiveR hoRse.

Yo Yo everybody!
I just got back from Berlin last night!  Most alive city I have seen, so full of life and I have left feeling inspired.  I will blog about Berlin with some wicked pictures probably tomorrow but for now here is a piece I wrote while in Berlin.

...an unrequited love~ and a soul that is still searching.

xo to all

Love me like the river horse.

Lets leave at dusk.
            You know,
To the edge of the world,
            ...you know.
Let us live. Lets sing ourselves to sleep at the tip of reality.

Unexplainably, creation graced us with each other. We are somewhere between music and meaning unearthing our secrets, promises and archives that were buried years ago. We will love one another so extraordinary that we emanate spirit in the voice of our neighbours.

Let us wallow in the deepest caveat of each others being~ sequencing heart and lips the same.

Fossil barrel bodies, we still exist as one an unfathomable 55 million years later.
Together we run faster than the human foot that poaches our passion, dancing a blood sweat beat to freedom. Breath in breath we will trudge the depths of the oceans.
Once we love like this we be to be. We are in the purest form of our nirvana~ our home-made ecstasy.

i will love you to the essence of my being; like the river horse i give myself to you.

For now,
my river horse still searches lost.
Bound to a tangible earth. But I know he will find me..
..in the deepest caveat of his divine DNA.

::Zulu warriors preferred to be as brave as a hippopotamus, since even lions were not considered as brave. "In 1888, Captain Baden-Powell was part of a column searching for the Zulu chief Dinizulu, who was leading the Usutu people in revolt against the British colonists. The column was joined by John Dunn, a white Zulu chief, who led an impi (army) of 2000 Zulu warriors to join the British." [63]
"John Dunn was at the head of his impi. [Baden Powell] asked him to translate the Zulu anthem his men had been singing. Dunn laughed and replied: "He is a lion. Yes, he is better than a lion—he is a hippopotamus." [64]

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