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Sunday, February 19, 2012

just picZ

Orebro giRLzz night out 

we have another CDN visitor here till THE 27TH~woooo! chels's rad friend TOny!  she definately made the night with her random acts of kindness... ;)

  1. wine centurion
  1. fireball
  1. never have  i ever#dranksomuchwine#
  1. ...stumble to stora orebro
  1. get to ritz..
  1. ...get home
  1. *biffithardontheice*

just some PICzzz---


and my two favoRite galz......



couldn't maKe it ouT for the night....::

okay SatURday in SuM!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


What do you know of me?

My faint hazel eyes? How wonderful
the colour of my tainted mane? How expected
the jewels that mask my virgin hyde? How observant

have you noticed the brand on my hind? Or the tear on my ear?
What about the scars that my caramel eyes bear?

Tell me, what is the rythm of my heart?
The taste of my rough tongue?

In blood as one,   we     are     worlds     apart.

its your claws that scape this stereotypic stage and its your masochistic ideal that expects me to be pleased.
You hold your dignity in an undignified whim- for it is not our past endeavours that will keep us in an eternal bound but care and caress.
Carnivorous speech will not feed on my soul, 
for your powerful instinct just dwells you deeper in a lost abyss.

you idle in the devour of my being, scavenging the surface while the belly of my being bears the greatest fruits.

Learn you can not domesticate my soul, for it is as wild as the flames of fire that light this life from above. 
I am disorderly delirious in a world full of chaotic madness that is heavenly mine. Although our bodies bear different forms our blood exists as one. My thoughtful pursuit is unforgivingly forgiving so your chained body is welcome.

Let the masses follow us to an uninhabited heart. 
For i fear that you do not know me the least. 
 I am a lioness.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

cReative cRafty giftzZ

i!Hej Hej everybody!ii!i

Seems like lately i have just been counting down the days till the 27th! A big trip touring western europe! But a few things have happened to fill the past couple weeks....

to start- biggggg thank you mom & dad! Me & dust just booked our flights to london for the end of the season- we are renting a car and for a delicious 3 weeks we are touring through the UK.
We are going to have ALOT to jam pack into 3 weeks but anyone who knows me, knows i tend to be a busy body on vaca so if theres a will there is a way! -

---Bringggggggg it ONNNNNN...Dustin you've been warned.... ;)--

it was also dustins birthday on thursday- the team was on the road, so we celebrated today. I LOVE creative gifts & this is the first year i have ever been kinda stumped as for what to do/get him! On monday i finally thought of something! (way to leave it till the last minute) sooooooo today i set up a “mini carnival” in our apartment! 

 I am not lying about the “mini”.... i woke up at 8 and put balloons EVERYWHERE! and stuffed all the games into our living room. 

 I had 6 “game” stations that consisted of:

  1. -pin the tail on the donkey
  2. -coin toss
  3. -go fish
  4. -indian leg wrestle.... one day i will win...
  5. -boggle: OF COURSE!
  6. -treasure hunt===

This is a really fUn idEa that you can do for any oCCasion reallY!!

the station numbers i made looked cool & are both easy & eco friendly! If your interested how i made them this is how..if your not......well skim the paragraph below....:

using soy cartons, cereal boxes, tea boxes- really whatever you can find- cut out numbers in the centre of the box. Make sure the top of the “container” is open! Then light candle in the middle and your done! Eazzzzzzzy breazzzzzy! they look kinda funky and innovative!!!

at each station you could win a different amount of tokens- the tokens are put towards which dessert you can have from a “home made menu” at the end of the carnival!! of course you can really choose whatever you want, but the tokens are a fun idea!

THE HOME MADE MENUs are an AWESOME nifty gift/idea to do at home- whether its for a birthday, valentines day, or just because! This is how I made it:

I bought a whole bunch of post cards from a second hand shop. I hole punched all of the cards and then used steel earring hoops as the “binder” (you can buy earring hoops at a craft store, you can also use actual binder hoops- but they didnt have any) i had a total of 6 pages. then i bought a whole bunch of funny comic books also from a second hand shop! I cut out things that related to each item on my home made menu and just funny pictures! A good thing about your home made menu is you put what you can actually cook on it ;) and hopefully everyone likes! On my menu i had:
(i know/i know-this looks gross but is SOOO good-marshmallows&peanut butter&toffee.....oh my)
  1. -creamy cup of ice AKA ice cream cake with a whoooooole ton of different chocolates mixed in
  2. -ba-bomb-butterscotch toffee squares (thanks for the help mom!)
  3. -a classic cup of candy- simple and sweet!

I think i am still on a rush from my sugar high... not to mention the candy buffet i made for a little extra decor...

anyways i thought i would blog about this because these are really fun simple ideas that you can do for WHATEVER occasion- you dont really even have to buy anything if you do not want to! (aside from your ingredients for your “menu”) and you can make it really personal and meaningful with favourite treats, games, pictures, movies or whatever!

i!i!i!okay thats it for now!hope everyone is great!i!ii 

&while you R part-aY-inG you can jam to this tunnnneee---