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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So this is what you see when you get off the train at Stockholm....

 This city has incredible architecture.  Everything is rundle stone and old old old!  Today me and a couple other girls went into the city and we only got to touch on a small part of Stockholm ~ Gamla Stan.  

Gamla Stan is also known as the 'Old Town' with reason- apparently the oldest city wall dates all the way back to the 13th century!  The Gamla Stan borough has a very rustic, romantic feel.  All the streets are incredibly narrow and filled with restaurants, cafes and wine shops.  When I went today all I wanted to do was eat and drink!  Most of the restaurants and cafes cram tables and people into tiny spaces that are essentially slits in the walls.  Outside of the restaurants, the patios are heated and have blankets and candles lit.  It is an incredibly cozy atmosphere and makes you feel at home. 

 ...here are just a few of the pictures... 

~more from stockhoLM to come!~.peace.~

Saturday, October 22, 2011

~tHe tOrpedO~


Hej alla!

Kirsten + Bicycle = TRUE Swede

Well its a fact, only but a few days ago I fell in love....with 'the torpedo'.. my very own Euro bike! She is a beauty! Little rusty but she gets me from A to B! And for the whopping cost of 500 Kronas!

500 SEK = $75 US

WOW! Who could pass on that offer!

Anyways, now that I have my very own mode of transportation I feel like the world is my oyster. However, I do feel like bike riding here is way more dangerous than driving! The bikers think that they own the road- which makes you initially think that it would be more safe...its not. Look at it this way, being a foreigner and not being as confident on the roads- not knowing east from west, north from south, x road from y road etc.- I confess I am a little dodgy on my bike. 
 So if you are planning to come to Sweden and bike here are few things to watch out for:

  1. DRIVERS- Understand that all the cars around you don't really care about the biker that “rules the road.” More so...they just don't really care. There is no rush here in Sweden. Everyone is just happy go lucky- love that! For example, I have not seen one case of road rage. But at the same time- most are oblivious. Whether its looking at the sun, the stars, the green tree, the stunning leaf on the road etc. attention is elsewhere. And just to clarify, this is no poke at the Swedes- rock on! Be blissed out! But bikers- keep your eyes open!
  1. PEDESTRIANS- Just like drivers, pedestrians are of no help either. Head in the clouds they do not care if you are on your bike. The city's infrastructure somewhat helps. Beside the “walkways” there are “bike lanes” but whether a person uses them is out of your control.. this alluding to the swerving action that happens on the side roads way to often. In addition, there are only some roads, sidewalks etc. that you can go down that are labelled with signs in swedish... how is one to figure all this out in one trip!?
    well, im sure if I knew Swedish that would probably be a good start.... in the workings....

  2. BIKER ATTIRE- All the bikers here not only are multi tasking to insanity as they bike (using their phones, fixing their jacket, organize groceries in their basket etc.) they are all listening to music as they do so! This means that Dick and Jane who have their headphones in at full blast are clueless to anyone but themselves...including the foreigners such as myself. Dad you would be so proud.. no more headphones for me... I GET IT FINALLY!
      On a side note, those of you do not yet own a pair of the white Converse kicks- go get a pair...its in.
  3. LIGHTS- The bike lights do not always work, sometimes they are not there, all the time they are not so reliable. This leads to the ultimate life or death (maybe a little extreme but work with me) guessing game! RIDER BEWARE ~ HEAD ON A SWIVEL 24/7.

  4. OREBRO- Lastly, there are piles of bikers EVERYWHERE. This makes the local scene look like a cluster-mess of people that you have to dodge your way around. So make sure you start your day with your Java or your in for a harsh dose of reality.

    (picture of Orebro downtown)

(a cafe we bike to for our java downtown)

(a swedish version of cola pop at the cafe)

Okay so thats it for the time being! Biking in itself has been a big enough adventure... aside from the trip to Berlin I just booked for November!
You will be posted!

Hej da!

Monday, October 17, 2011

~Dag Andra~

HEJ ALLA! (hey everybody)

So its only been my DAG ANDRA (second day) here in Orebro but I thought I would update you all!

To start- my flight out to Stockholm, Sweden went incredibly smooth! I was nervous about my transfer in Hethrow, London- but if anything that is the best laid out airport I have EVER been to (and trust me Ive been to enough to make that last statement legit!) In Hethrow, everything is labelled and everyone was so helpful and lovely! Especially the British man at baggage claim that kept calling me sweet pea- who doesn't love that at 3am Edm. time!? I eventually landed in a VERY clean Stockholm airport at around 830am Edm. time- 530pm Swed. time. I was jazzed about checking out Orebro so it was no problem making myself stay awake till about 530pm Edm.- 130am Euro.

Orebro is like a ginormous Banff. Downtown is all cobblestone trendy little shops with few chain stores/restaurants- ie. H&M, Subway and of course...McDonalds... They an overload of beautiful Swedish signature restaurants! A funky sushi shop that overlooks the town's castle, quite a few funky wine bars- yummmmm, Gala Stam Swedish restaurant, and then some other fun cafes! We are going out tonight so I will keep you posted with how the food is! Swedish “customs” are quite different from North America. They typically spend their money on food and clothing- and little on housing, cars etc. It is rare that you see an Audi or Ferrari driving around here and mansions on the block corners! Orebro is smothered with uni students, so of course I wondered with the prices of food and clothing how do they afford it? Well, to start schooling is free here (that clearly helps) but they also choose to bike everywhere- when I say everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE! This creates a picturesque setting everywhere you look- to your left there is the couple that have just finished a decadent dinner and are biking home, to your right there is the 80 year gentleman with his dog in his basket at the front of his bike going for a stroll, behind you are the uni students that are wasted biking to the next bar and then straight ahead are another thousand bikes parked waiting for their owners to ride them home. Taxis, to follow, are super expensive & the subway/train don't run through the city; only through major lines (like to Stockholm, Gotenburg, Malmo etc.) To be fair, Orebro is quite small- so it would be wasteful to have a subway line when it is quicker to just bike or walk. In sum:

Free schooling + biking = nice dinners & trendy clothes.

Not only are the locals very eco friendly, but so are the houses. Houses are small and apartments are also quite small. Buildings are side by side so they make the most of the space that they do have. Our apartment is very simple and clean- no extra clutter. The tenant has fixed the light fixtures and the heaters so we can not use excess heat- and our lighting is natural with the exception of a few lamps- so at night time we go overboard with candles! Our bathroom is tinnnnnnny! And our shower (no tub) is simply a water cord with the shower head dangling from a pipe- this requires mad, meticulous shower skills! For instance- you water yourself, turn off the water, put down the shower head, put your shampoo or soap- whatever, pick up the shower head turn it back on rinse and get out. Consequently, the tenant has also managed to cut down on his water bills! How clever....

Today I went for a run downtown in attempts to find one of the two yoga studios that supposedly exist...no success thus far so Im going on attempt TVA (two.) Camera is coming with me so I can capture some epic pics of the cyclists and the Swedes- that yes, all look the same...boys are all trendy and quite handsome, girls are all blonde, blue eyes, teeny-tiny and stunning... should be easy to get some good pictures then right?? Wish me luck!

VI SES (good bye!)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


(Hi in Swedish!)

So here we go again everybody!  

Last year New York- this year Europe!  Im off to "the Bicycle town"- also known as Orebro, Sweden.  Orebro is in Southern Sweden and from what I have heard- is like home.  It has a very similar climate to Edmonton, but a fraction of the people- roughly 100 thousand!  I tried researching to see if there was anything that I might recognize in Orebro- but no dice!  All I see repeatedly is a picture of a huge, what appears to be drunk, yellow rabbit upside down on the street- stay posted for the classic tourist pic of me infront of it.   With the lack of information that I have on Orebro looks like its going to be an even bigger adventure for me!   BRING IT ON!  Flight jets Friday night and I arrive in Stockholm Saturday afternoon!  I have my luggage (two lovely whopping suitcases weighing in at precisely 50 lbs each,) my kronas (swedish money that I have no clue how to convert,) my cameras (to pocket all the silly slip ups when "*ja vealsa" <- im lost) and Ive got my 3 swedish phrases (*Hej, *ja vealsa, *kanon...because lets be honest, this language is a true battle.)  So wish me luck in Sweden and all the delicious Scandinavian countries to follow!
Keep you guys posted!

*vi sies!
(good bye! guess that makes it 4)

*please don't mind the spelling errors for the swedish phrases... Im just attempting the speech, spelling comes later