*Hey eveRyoNe* thanX for checking out mY bLog:maKe suRe to Leave a comment with anY requests or what~not:enJoY!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Done. Do. Doing.

What am I doing?
What am i doing in here?

trying to find answers, solutions to puzzles that dont exist.
if you will- rather i keep doing & not not-doing. 
 I keep every possibility at the tip of my tongue ready to ramble at any give opportunity.
please- just let my jaw be soft, my tongue be numb.
 i want this world to be 
in sweet 

i will bow boldly & surrender to this day, this body, this breath.

i am existing in a whirlwind of water storms that thrash around me.
iam standing patiently in perfection in the harshest depths of humanity.
my body becomes luminescent, my breath becomes clear like crystals.
brilliance is shining beneath the soles of my feet that land into an abyss that supports me.

i will continue to chip & chizzle away at these stubborn solutions well knowing that my sail will soon set- 
into silence.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Embassy

Your embassy has you sitting perched perfectly on an oasis of petals,
your shrines silently shout praise of compassion, gratitude and love.
Huge elephants of patience wage peace at your temple gates
while beautiful bodhisattvas ride powerfully on the backs of rhinestone horses through the doors of heavens paradise.

Let the light of amber shine through your heart to reach my sight,
in a vision of acceptance, contentment, santosha and a paradox of peace.

Let these rubbles become rubble, forming a rundle stone path of excitement.
Be my journey to nirvana.