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Saturday, February 19, 2011

UpDaTeS from all the way back in 2010!

Wow!  Okay so a little less than a month and Iam coming home!! Time here has gone incredibly fast.  So here are some of the pics that I have so tardily delayed to post haha.  Lets start WAYYYY back October 
when I first got down here.

It all started with  Micheal Franti concert in New Haven at Toads!! such a great concert!  look at how close we were!

These are the sweeties over at Balanced Hot Yoga in New Haven!  Erika and Lori *hearts*

Dustin, Javier and Lori!

So Halloween!  not my favourite holiday but this was fun..

 Dustin, Anton and roommate Dylan.. they were druggies and Anton was their dealer...hah
 These are two of the gals living down here steph and kerstin!  Steph- a guitar and Kerstin- wind blown!
 Figgy as a hotdog.
 Me- hippie.  Didnt step to far out of the box.

Okay so November!  Which was basically consumer 100% by yoga!  Practising, volunteer teaching all over CT!  Bumpin month!  So here is FHY- Fairfield Hot Yoga where I have been practising!  In the picture is Richard- the owner- and his partner in crime (Yogi the German Shepard) is below!  The studio is rockin hot and the classes are stellar!

November was also preparation for little girl Annie below!  She came to us last day of November!

December!  Christmas time!

This is Milford Senior Center where I volunteer.  It is convienantly a block away from our place and they had a stellar christmas concert.  As you can see the seniors were super into it!  it was great!

 Annie's first venture into the trees..

Parents came down and visited later on in the month of December up until Christmas Eve. Sooo lucky and what a blast!

Downtown Milford, how ideal that there is a store called Sweet Annie

Went into the city for a couple of days, this is Rockafellar Center JAM packed we moved past it pretty quickly!

One night we played cards..  Annie was very into it..

January!  Pretty relaxed month, it went by soooo quickly I can not believe it.   One of the days me and the gals went into the city for a night in the town and the most exciting part was the creepers at grand central- kerstin!??

Irving Plaza saw Sister Hazel and did drinks soo yummy and the venue was fantastic!

Mass snow storm 2nd week of Jan.  Me and Annie were stuck shoveling it!  Muscles or what?!?  Dylan was gone and Dust was sleeping..some nerve..

Annie has built regular play dates with Yogi at FHY- she loves to taunt him by hiding in the cubbies then run out and bite his tail!  priceless haha

Feb.!  Bday and Vday month!

Annie wasnt so fond of a photo shoot for valentines day and started to eat our decorations.

Dinner at Bistro Basque!!  In the middle is the owner he is so fabulous and the food and wine is the best ever!  Definitely one of my top 3 restaurants to this day.

Okay thats it guys!  Sorry this is so brief but was looking through pics so thought I would post what I could!  Have a stellar weekend!  

Friday, February 11, 2011


We speak of right diligence, right speech, right mindfulness, right action but what does it all boil down to?  
Enlightenment- to touch a piece of peace & breathe in bliss.  

Nirvana is a place of bliss.  
In literal terms cessation of attachments, of separation and segregation- no birth, no death, no permanence, no impermanence.  Within each of us exists a seed of life and love.  This same seed is in you, me, the tree outside on your front lawn, the snow in your backyard.  We are united through this seed that lights exuberance in all of us.  Once we realize we are all the same, separation ceases, interdependence ignites our souls and we live in a beautiful place of peace!  
Send gratitude to your sangha and nourish the world with a unifying life of love.  

Touch moksha- liberation, enlightenment.  
Taste nirvana.  
Today lets love & live.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Annie and Roses

Annie and Roses..

How is possible to love something so much!?

Annie is one of my biggest gurus in life.  

We could all learn a little something from her.  Slow down and smell the roses.

Because look-

 its beauty.